class View
Subclassed by SBody::Camera
Public Functions
View(std::shared_ptr<Metric> metric, double r, double theta, double iota)
- Parameters:
r – Distance to the black hole
theta – Angle between the observer and the \(z\) axis, \(\theta\).
iota – Rotational angle of the coordiante of the view, \(\iota\).
int InitializePhoton(double photon[], double alpha, double beta)
Initialize the position and velocity of a trace back photon.
- Parameters:
photon – 9 dimensional vector, photon[8] is used to store the look back time.
alpha – x position of the target in the observer’s view.
beta – y position of the target in the observer’s view.
- Returns:
int Trace(const double position[], TimeSystem object_time, double record[], bool calculate_magnification, bool fast_trace = true)
- Parameters:
position – 8 dimensional vector
object_time – time system of the object
record – position to save the observational values
calculate_magnification – switch of the magnification calculation
fast_trace – switch of the fast trace
- Returns:
int Magnification(const double position[], TimeSystem object_time, double &magnification, const double photon[], double redshift)
Calculate the magnification of the object.
- Parameters:
position – 8 dimensional vector
object_time – time system of the object
magnification – position to save the magnification
photon – 8 dimensional vector of the photon traced to the object
redshift – redshift of the photon
- Returns:
int Shadow(std::string file_name)
Calculate the radius of the black hole shadow at different direction, saved in the file.
- Parameters:
file_name – file name.
- Returns:
View(std::shared_ptr<Metric> metric, double r, double theta, double iota)
class Camera : public SBody::View
Public Functions
Camera(std::shared_ptr<Metric> metric, size_t pixel, double half_angle, double r, double theta, double iota)
Construct a new camera object.
- Parameters:
pixel –
half_angle –
r –
theta –
file_name –
int Trace()
- Returns:
int Lens()
- Returns:
int Save(std::string file_name)
- Returns:
Camera(std::shared_ptr<Metric> metric, size_t pixel, double half_angle, double r, double theta, double iota)